Las Vegas is a popular convention destination. The largest convention venue in town is the Las Vegas Convention Center, which touts over 4.6 million square feet of convention space. Event planning professionals keep busy, helping their clients set up, present and then take down the displays that fill these convention spaces. One such event planning organization is CCR Solutions. CCR Solutions advertises on its website that it is a leader within the Audio Visual Staging Industry. CCR … [Read more...]
What Is An “Occurrence”?
In the case of Bish v. Guaranty Nat’l Ins. Co., 109 Nev. 133; 848 P.2d 1057; 1993 Nev. LEXIS 26, the Nevada Supreme Court examined the question of what is an “occurrence”. The facts are these. Four-year-old Christina Rose was playing on the sidewalk near the driveway of the neighbor, Ms. Alderson. At that moment, Ms. Alderson chose to back her vehicle out of the drive. Ms. Alderson accidently backed over the child. A neighbor saw the accident and screamed. Ms. Alderson put her vehicle … [Read more...]
To What Extent Can An Insurance Company Rescind Coverage On A Nevada Auto Policy?
Regular readers of this blog may want to jump in and immediately answer that an insurance company cannot rescind auto coverage post-accident. We learned that principle in the blog post HERE about Torres v. Nev. Direct Ins. Co., 131 Nev. 531, 353 P.3d 1203, 2015 Nev. LEXIS 61 (2015). That is because Nevada's Financial Responsibility Law , NRS 485.3091 imposes compulsory coverage after the accident has happened. In the Torres case, the court ruled that the breach of the insured’s duty to … [Read more...]
Jury Nullification Is A No-No
Gregory Lioce was involved in a multi-vehicle traffic crash. Identifying the at-fault driver was difficult. Gregory Lioce argued that Dana Cohen changed lanes into him. Dana Cohen said Mr. Lioce turned left into her. Mr. Lioce was then rear-ended by John Wilson, who argued that he was not negligent because he had been cut off. In closing at trial, counsel for Wilson argued in favor of the jury sending a message. Counsel said: the only way that people and their lawyers will stop … [Read more...]
The team at Bauman, Loewe, Witt & Maxwell and the Nevada Law Blogs wish all of our clients, friends, business associates and readers a very safe and extremely enjoyable Independence Day Holiday! As we celebrate the July 4, 1776 signing of the Declaration of Independence, let’s reflect on a few important words from that life altering document: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, … [Read more...]