Las Vegas is a popular convention destination. The largest convention venue in town is the Las Vegas Convention Center, which touts over 4.6 million square feet of convention space. Event planning professionals keep busy, helping their clients set up, present and then take down the displays that fill these convention spaces. One such event planning organization is CCR Solutions. CCR Solutions advertises on its website that it is a leader within the Audio Visual Staging Industry. CCR … [Read more...]
Nevada Supreme Court Enforces Choice Of Law Provision In Mississippi Auto Insurance Policy
Randall and Toni Faehnrich lived with their two sons in Mississippi. The Faehnrich’s owned a Jeep. Mr. and Mrs. Faehnrich divorced and Mrs. Faehnrich decided to move to Las Vegas. After moving to Nevada but before changing the plates, registration and insurance, Toni Faehnrich crashed the Jeep. The Faehnrich boys were hurt in the accident. Randall brought suit against his wife Toni in behalf of their injured sons. In Nevada, it had been against public policy for a Nevada Auto Insurance … [Read more...]
Nevada Requires An Owner’s Auto Policy To Provide Minium Limits Coverage To Any Permitted Driver, Even If The Policy Specifically Excludes That Person By Name
An insurance company that has been writing policies in Nevada for just a few years asks the Nevada Law Blog if it can deny third-party liability coverage to a permissive driver who was excluded by name from the policy. Nevada answered that question over two decades ago in the case of Federated American Ins. v. Granillo, 108 Nev. 560, 835 P.2d 803 (1992). Mr. Granillo bought auto insurance from Federated American Insurance. The company told Granillo that if he were the only driver of the … [Read more...]