Mike Mills’s article on the care, custody or control exclusion found in the general liability form policy was featured on DRI’s Covered Events online newsletter in 2013 Issue 1. If you are interested in Mike’s conclusions on this interesting insurance coverage issue, you can read the article HERE. In addition, Mike’s report on the recent Nevada Supreme Court case of Physicians Ins. Co. v. Williams, 128 Nev. Adv. Op. 30, 279 P.3d 174 (2012) can be found in the same issue HERE. Keep an eye … [Read more...]
Two For The Price Of One! Mike Mills Authors Two Articles That Appear In The Most Recent Issue Of DRI’s Covered Events Newsletter.
How Much Information Does a “Claims-Made” Carrier Need to Receive During the Policy Period to Trigger Coverage?
The dentist had a lot of explaining to do. The authorities had arrested him for drug trafficking and had charged him with distribution of cocaine. The dental board had received complaints that he was using cocaine and was giving it to his patients. The board even suspended his license. His malpractice insurance company was aware of all of these allegations of malfeasance during the coverage period of his “claims-made-and-reported” policy. The one thing that the insurance company did not … [Read more...]