I recently attended DRI’s Coverage and Practice Symposium in New York City. As usual, the site was exceptional and the presenters were extremely knowledgeable. Plus, who wouldn’t want to be in New York City during the Holiday Season?
One of the presenters, Michael M. Marrik, Esq. raised an interesting question. He gave a top ten list of things that carriers should consider when handling coverage litigation nationwide. He specifically questioned the wisdom of relying exclusively on “panel counsel” to act as the local counsel for a nationwide firm principally handling coverage litigation outside of their regular venues. He wondered if it might be better to hire a strong “off panel” counsel for the benefits that that experienced person might bring to the mix. Although this strategy may be little more expensive, he said that in the right case, it might be worth the investment.
Mills & Associates works with nationwide firms as local counsel and is familiar with Nevada’s restrictive Pro Hac Vice rules as well as coverage and bad faith issues. Please let us know if we can help your firm, even if we aren’t on your regular panel.